weight loss!

Friday, March 26, 2010

the past few days.

I would like to start this blog by stating that as i sat down to begin, i noticed a giant spider on my bedroom door, and the spider was definitely picture worthy. so i took one. it was also a jumping spider, and it had about 6 lives. but, he is no more. :)

now  before i go any further, i need to tell you a story. about 6 months ago, Reagan and I were talking about our favorite things, tattoos, and each other. and we decided that one day we would love to get tattoos that are for each other, without being each others names. the decision was made that he would get a cheese pizza, since we ate cheese pizza on our first date, and i would get the siamese twins from the movie "Big Fish" since we watched that on our first date, and it is our favorite movie. :)

now, i would love to take some time to tell you all about the past few days. i have been so blessed with an amazing man in my life, and the past few days have really opened my eyes to that. This last weekend we celebrated Ashton's first birthday. Ashton is Reagan's nephew, for those who don't know. Reagan was finally able to have a day off and his mom even came into town. Saturday was an even more lovely day, because Reagan got his tax check.Whats the first thing he did? Took me to the mall and bought me two new pairs of jeans AND a sick ass throw back Jazz hoodie. coolest hoodie i have ever owned.

finally, sunday rolls around and it is time for reality to settle in. Sandy leaves town and Reagan returns to work. but then i get a phone call, and Reagan set me up an appointment to get work done on my sleeve.  what a pleasant and painful surprise. so I got to go see him at work for a few hours and get some serious work done on my arm. 3 hours later, i was ready for beddy. :) Now to set this story up for you, while i was getting my tattoo done, Reagan was writing the cutest little love letter in my notebook for me to find on a later date.

Monday night, was not so great. it was our 15 month anniversary, and we fought the whole day. When Reagan got home that night, I was extremely mad at him, for stupid reasons, and told him he did not make me feel appreciated and that I was sick of it. Little did i know he had spent the night before writing me a love letter. :(

Tuesday rolls around and we both feel just awful for fighting the night before, but the day had to go on, and we both went to work. We tried our best to make each other feel better and to tell ourselves that things will be find. We love each other way too much to let petty fights get between us. So then i get a call, from Reagan, saying I get to get a tattoo that night, his treat! what a sweet boy!! I get off work around 4:30 and head to the tattoo shop. I decide to get a lily, in memory of my fathers mother, Lily Melissa Wilson. it turned out beautiful. When i got to the tattoo shop, Reagan said he was gonna get a tattoo also, but didn't know what he was getting yet. I, yet again, got a little mean and said we couldn't afford to both get tattoos, but he said he had it covered. little did i know he got a slamming deal. :) so i get done with my tattoo around 9, and leave to get some food for the artist. when I come back, the station is all set up for Reagan's tattoo, but he still "doesn't know" what he is getting! so i start to get frustrated like "why the hell arent you deciding what you want to get?!" and then he walks into that back and grabs the stencil for his tattoo. and what is it? a slice of cheese pizza. i was floored. how could he be so sneaky and sweet, just for me? I was literally blushing for over an hour. it was the CHEESIEST tattoo i have ever seen. :) all i wanted to do was cry, because i felt so blessed. Then, we got home, and I found the love letter. :) it was the most amazing day i have had in a very long time. :) I seriously have the sweetest boyfriend in the entire world. I am so happy with where we are and things feel so fresh and new again. I feel like we are off on such a good foot now and nothing can bring us down. :)

To top the amazing week off, I get up today and go to work. and it feels like any normal day. I come home, a little tired and grumpy, and find an adorable picture on my bed, face down. on the back it says " for the 1 i love...J.L.W" and the picture itself, which Reagan painted, is a heart. His mind, heart, and soul are so beautiful. I am easily the luckiest girl in the entire world and nothing can get me down. I am so blessed with such an amazing man. Thank you baby, for all that you do. because of you,  I wake up smiling, and go to bed happy. :)

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