weight loss!

Monday, April 5, 2010


dear April 1st, meet snow. Snow, meet April 1st. gross, i know. welcome to Utah people. This is why I love it here. The inconsistency is the excitement.This is how I wish to live my life. By accepting the inconsistency of it all and enjoying the ride. :) well, today i quit my job. I decided that the direction that job was taking me was not the way i wanted my life to go. to wake up everyday, knowing that I would  be walking into drama, and into a place where i was not able to go about my business as a responsible adult without people telling me some ridiculous story about their life and how much they hate it. not my style. I want to be able to go through my day feeling like an adult, not like a little kid in high school again. so i bailed. and i've never felt better. I am super stressed financially, but who isn't these days, right? luckily I have an amazing support system backing me 100% and I am so very grateful. you all know who you are. :)

Well, it has been quite some time since i have blogged it feels like. I have been on bed rest for pretty much a week now! I have pinched the sciatic nerve in my back and long story short, its some brutal pain. I have a hard time getting up, sitting down, standing, walking, or even laying. it hurts all the time. aleve and tylonol barely take the edge off it seems, and icy hot does little to nothing. I wonder if it is worth  the medical debt to go see a doctor about it. hmmm.....all i know for sure is it hurts so damn bad. bad enough that it even gives me a stomach ache. i dunno about this folks, i think its a tad bit unfair. but i deal.

moving on to easter. This year was such a success in my book. I avoided the drama that is my family in slc. and even though I am extremely sad i did not spend easter with my family, I felt so comfortable just resting at home all night. so me and Reagan decided to do a little easter dinner, just the two of us. and it worked out so perfectly. I was far enough with dinner that i was able to pick him up from work, get home, put the finishing touches on, and eat up. I had never made a ham before, so i was a little nervous. but after creating the most amazing glaze, from scratch with no recipe i might add, i think the dinner turned out to be a total success. Reagan said it tasted amazing, and that was the goal. :) and on top of it, we had so much fun together. spending time enjoying each others company, and goofing around. :) it was such a lovely day.

and the final story to complete my blog, is the story of the mullet. I was offered an opportunity to get my hair cut for free by this amazing stylist at a really nice studio in SLC, and of course I jumped on the opportunity. so  when i get to the salon and her boss describes the cut i am getting, i was a little nervous but very excited for a new look. afterwards however, i was not very pleased. to give you an idea of the before and after, i posted a pic of myself with my hair before the cut. not extremely long, but it has some length to it. now the girl took about 9 inches off the top, and by top i mean 80% of my hair, and  took less than an inch off the remaining 20%. a little blow dry and some pomade later, and i looked like the picture shown. thats right kids, a straight up mullet. business in the front, party in the back. and no, i wasnt ready to party. i was miserable. so the next day i went to a gal at the local supercuts and she fixed me up right. and now, i look like this....(photos are posted in order of appearance)


  1. hahahahaha oh my god jess matt and I are seriously DYING of laughter right now! Your mullet pics, superb!

  2. your hair picture made me laugh! That was great. I'm glad you didn't leave it like a mullet. I love your hair now.
