weight loss!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


it seems to be my year reference of choice lately, though I am not entirely sure why. I have been spending a lot of time comparing myself to Jeff Hornacek in 1987 when he played for the Phoenix Suns. You be the judge. I am blogging today to vent. Today has been a bit of a roller coaster. I started the day stressed, because we are supposed to drive to Idaho to help Reagan's mom move on Saturday, but we still don't have a legal, running car. So as i left the house, stressed, and with an empty wallet, I found myself pondering if things were going to work out in my favor this round. Then, as i arrived to SLC and reposted the ad to sell my car, my phone blew up. People calling left and right, offering top dollar for my POS car!! I had my car title signed over to a lovely woman named JESSICA by 4 o clock. I was amped! Still plenty of time to travel the 6 blocks down the road with my dad to look at a new car! I then proceeded to call Randy, the owner of the car lot that I would be purchasing a car from. The same man who told me he would be there ALL DAY TIL CLOSE! well, they close at 6pm, and when I called at 4, he was already gone. so frustrating. Now I have cash in my pocket, and no car to spend it on. SO FRUSTRATING. So I decide to take my fathers car with expired tags and non working door and drive the 40 something miles back to Ogden, to call it a day. By then, its about 5:30pm, perfect time to hit 5 o clock traffic! lovely. and to add to the stop and go image you are seeing now, i would like to add that the term "stop and go" is not accurate at all when it comes to driving a manual transmission car. its more like "clutch&brake, downshift, release, repeat" to stop and "clutch, shift, release clutch/accelerate, repeat" but i wonder if the length of the description is the reason for the basic term......now thats a thought to ponder. well bloggers, i just got an annoying phone call and it made me lose my train of thought. so im off to bed. peace.

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