weight loss!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

salt lake city

what a beautiful sight. there are days when i just wish i could spend all day walking the streets, seeing all the amazing different cultures that salt lake has to offer. different people, different places, different beliefs, genders, sexual preferences, races, religions, politics, everything. if i could spend the rest of my life anywhere in the world, i would stick to salt lake city. this is my hometown. and boy, do i miss it. although my home is only about 45 miles away, it seems like a whole world of  difference. and although i love the home im in and the family i am making, i cannot help but sign deeply when thinking of the beautiful streets of salt lake city. and melissa, if your reading this, all i can hear in my head right now is your voice saying "why dont you just move back" haha. i love you sister. and i want to move back. and someday i will. but life to me, is about exploring! i have but one life to live, and for all i know, my life is more that half over! i could live til im 70 or til im 27. who knows. but i made a decision a while ago to never let anyone or anything hold me back from what MY life desires are. one of which is exploring new places. so someday, slc, i will be back to claim you as my forever home. but for now, you can be my runaway. my go to place when i need a break. our relationship will never die, and you will never get old. :)

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