weight loss!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

its only natural

well Mucinex, you do NOT live up to your commercials. i took you two hors ago and i feel the exact same. you suck. never again will i pay $22.99 for a bullshit bottle pills. haha. i made this picture today to show you how much i LOVE Mucinex. thats right people. Mucinex gets a -10 on my medicine scale. i want to know why you people think it is okay to charge so much money for your product when it simply sucks!! please excuse me while i cough, since my MUCINEX COUGH SUPPRESSANT DOESN'T WORK! dont worry, i am not bitter. i am simply going to write a letter to the people of mucinex and DEMAND my money back. these people suck.

now, onto more important things. my beautiful sister, melissa, is getting married in less than three months! and i have so much planning to do! I need to get started on her bridal shower! We are going to do a tea party theme, to coordinate with her wedding theme, alice in wonderland! i think it is going to be the most beautiful and creative wedding i have ever been to. But, the bridal shower just may turn into a disaster, considering i am not very creative. ='[ i want all of you to know that my blackberry landed on the keyboard of my laptop and created that frowny face all by itself. talk about a smart phone. haha. anyways, i have but one awesome bridal shower game picked out so far, but need at least a few more. so people, the purpose of this blog today is to get suggestions for awesome bridal shower games, preferably some that coordinate with the theme! ideas people! please and thank you. I am also accepting donations. bee tee dub.:)

1 comment:

  1. Hey lady fren! Love your cute blog! Sooo this is what I do at work...here are some cute alice/tea party ideas I found!


