weight loss!

Monday, March 8, 2010

egg yolk

best monday i have had in a long time. sadly, my reagan was sick. however, it was so nice to be able to cuddle and take a two hour nap with him. i haven't done that in a long time and i miss it. got a possible opportunity for a job, thank you trissta hepting. It is a cleaning job, which rocks. I did a lot of house cleaning and sterile room cleaning over the summer and it was awesome. so although today did have its usual faults (i.e. new car wont start) all in all it was a wonderful day. watched "a day in the lyfe" about 5 times. learned a lot about art and the different styles. also learned a lot about people who always seem to be judged negatively. it gave a whole new meaning to dont judge a book by its cover. the type of people you think to be ass holes or selfish, actually appreciate other people and their passions more than their own. I have learned today to not judge so quickly. if you have ever been judged too quickly, you know how it feels to be seen only at the surface, and to have a negative judgement placed on you. a distinct memory i have is 7th grade. sounds like a million years ago, right? well in 7th grade, I was following in the footsteps of my older sister,8th grade, and her new found style. it seemed to me that after entering middle school, it  became very cool to dress like a "punk" which included baggy pants, band tees, studded belts, and every color of chucks you can find. so me, being a witty little one, decided to have a one up on everyone entering the 7th grade with me, by presenting the "style" on the first day of school. never in my life have i had so many people think i was a bitch. how awful is that? because i dressed like the older, punk crowd, i was suddenly a rude, stupid, scary person. come on people. i believe one person in particular who is reading this blog will understand exactly what im talking about. cuz she was right there with the rest of em, thinking i looked like a straight up bitch. haha. but i love her. ;) anyways. if there is one thing i have learned throughout my life, it is the amount of emotional and physical pain you can cause on someone, simply for judging them. been there done that bitches. give people the benefit of the doubt. lifes too short to hate! this music is distracting me, so im outta here. :) til tomorrow bloggers.

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