weight loss!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

new shoes

so yesterday, as you all know, i purchased a car. now this said car was left in SLC and i went home to Ogden so that today my father could do a full tune up on it, to put it into tip top shape. so i have the task of taking my oh so favorite public transportation to SLC (about 45 minutes from my house by car) to pick up my new automobile. now let me digress. in order to purchase this automobile, i was in need of a lump sum of cash. thankfully the tax gods were on my side this year, because a hefty tax return is exactly what i got. so with this tax return i was able to purchase this said car, along with some other items that i love oh so much. one of which being this new computer from which i am posting this blog. another is the pair of shoes currently on my feet. these strappy turquoise sandals were such a steal of a deal that i also got them in yellow(go figure) now let me explain to you, in case you are unaware, that all new shoes much be broken in before being able to be worn comfortably. now don't feel dumb if you were unaware, because since it has been so long since i have purchased a new pair of shoes, i had forgotten this very important rule as well today. so as i strapped on my new sandals and walked to two miles to the nearest bus stop, i quickly learned the rule that I have irresponsibly forgotten. not only did i have to break in the new shoes the hard way, with a two mile walk, but i had left the house about ten minutes late due to Reagan's boss being a tad bit late to pick him up. so as i RAN the two miles to the bus stop, i was quite a bit concerned that either a: i would break my brand new strappy turquoise sandals, or that b: i would miss the bus and be late to picking up my car. luckily for me, yet again, the public transportation gods were on my side. as i ran, out of breath, the last yard to the bus stop, i saw the bus, coming my direction. so lucky. but then, the hard part....i needed that bus to make it from said bus stop, two towns over to the train station, in 15 minutes. that task alone, on a good day, takes 20 minutes. yet somehow, as the bus pulled into the Clearfield train station, and I saw the southbound train, in the distance, coming my direction, i couldn't help but smile. the good things that happened to me may seem a little bit silly to all of you.but my public transportation excursion today taught me a lesson, and a good one at that. life is about  staying positive. you cannot change what is meant to happen in the world, you can only change the way you react to it. i caught myself wondering if i would have been blessed with this lesson had i been one minute late to the bus or train. would i be stuck in that same rut i have been in for months now? the one where you feel like just about everything is out to get you? i wonder if that bad outcome would have shown me the same positive outlook. but i will never know. all i know is i feel blessed for today, and each day i am granted to walk this beautiful earth. i need to grow as a person. don't take stuff for granted. don't sweat the small stuff. never go to sleep angry, and never hurt the ones you love the most. these are lessons to live by, and i wish to do my best to live by them. i hope you all do the same. actum, amor, risum.

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