weight loss!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

t minus 48 hours, and plus one new dress

starting monday ill begin my new diet and workout routine. I am nervous and also very excited. i will be maintaining a vegan lifestyle for the duration of my workout, and probably beyond as well. Id like to thank Ms. Kylie Peterson for assisting me in making this transition. I think it is something that i have wanted to do for a very long time and now i am finally able to do so. speaking on kylie, i just want to give her a little shout out. she is such a sweet and caring person. she is very selfless and loving to everyone that she comes into contact with. she has been there for me whenever i needed to vent and i hope that she feels i have done the same for her. she has been through a lot and still is going through not the easiest lifestyle, but she completes every task thrown her way with beauty and grace. she is the true definition of a friend, and i am so glad that i have been developing a stronger bond with this LOVELY young lady. she is a great mother, and a great friend. :)

for those of you who having heard of P90X, this is what it looks like.... it is a workout routine consisting of 12 dvds. the workouts are structured around avoiding the plateau effect that happens to most people when they begin a workout routine. in most cases, when you start a workout routine, it takes your body roughly 7 days to begin feeling used to that routine, in other words, it is not straining your body anymore. this workout systems recognizes when the plateau affect is about to occur, and changes the workout just in time for your body to always feel like it is pushing HARD. THIS FRIGHTENS ME! my favorite part about working out is when i dont hurt when i do the workout anymore. but i know, you dont gotta tell me, this means i am not really working my body out anymore. i plan to cycle through this series of workouts three times in total, breaking briefly in between, so that my body has to fight through them again. my goal is to lose 70 lbs. i bet you wanna know how much i will weigh then, huh? well a true woman never reveals her weight unless she is pregnant. ;) now i know for those of you who follow my blog religiously i may sound a little contradicting, because a little over a year ago i posted a blog about how happy i was with the way i looked and how i was never going to change anything. i want you to know this has nothing to do with how i look. the motivation behind this is my health. i have a history of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol in my family. as of now, i have been blessed to not have any of the above. however, i better knock on wood and hit the ground running if i wish to keep it that way. this is about living a long and happy lifestyle, and being able to do so while still feeling healthy and young. i want to be able to play tag with little olivia when she is five and not be out of breath after five minutes. i want to get a dog and take him to the park and run around without passing out. and i want to spend the summer swimming and hiking without having to stop for air every ten minutes. this is about being healthy and happy. and i cannot wait to reach that goal. this will be a life long process of changing my lifestyle to better myself, and after twenty one years, i am ready to do it.

speaking of twenty one years, it is almost my birthday! in four months i will legally be able to use my OWN ID to get into bars. and sadly, im already over it. i did have a lot of fun this winter keeping warm with good company and a little bit of whiskey. i met some awesome people and made tons of memories. however, it is not the time in my life for me to be going out and wasting my weekend doing things that i may or may not remember the next day. part of living my more healthy lifestyle is to stop drinking alcohol. now, the occasional glass of red wine with a nice dinner is one thing, because that is good for your heart health (which is what i am promoting) but i do not plan on spending my nights with Jim, Jack and Jamison anymore. sorry fellas, im moving on. :)

now, to talk about school. I am planning on enrolling SOMEWHERE for summer semester. maybe fall, AT THE LATEST. by fall semester, i will have about 80% of my debt paid in full, and i will be able to afford to pay for school if my loans dont come through. as of right now, Seattle will have to wait. i want to be here to spend one more Christmas with my family, and to spend Olivias first Christmas with her. i want time to prepare, to save, and to stabilize, because lets face it, i am kind of a home body. my dad is my best friend and i gossip with my mom more than anyone else. so give it a year, by then seattle will be ready, and so will i. so for now, we are pressing the pause button. dont rewind, dont return. just pause.

and on a final note, i leave you with this....

never frown upon the devastations of the past, for it is the past that brought you to now, and the mistakes of now that will bring you the glory of tomorrow. --Jessica Wilson

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