weight loss!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


My mother is on the phone with my sister, using my dads phone. My dad is laying on the opposite side of the sectional. Where he is laying, the couch rests against a railing, and beyond the railing is a large flight of stairs leading to the tile floor of the front door entryway. My mother finishes the phone call and takes the phone in her non dominant left hand. She decides its a good idea to 'toss' the phone over to my dad. With her not so often used left hand, she hurls the phone and it barely misses my dads head, before grazing the railing and slamming onto the tile floor below. Hahaha.

Now if that isn't funny enough. After we all share a good laugh regarding her terrible aim, she proceeds to tell us "I was thinking to myself 'self, this is your left hand. You never use this hand. Maybe tossing this phone isn't a good idea' BUT it was out of my control! My hand had a mind of its own! Like turrets! " hahaha.

I guess you had to be there. But good hell, that was funny.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that's too funny!
    My husband has the WORST aim and whenever he's about to throw something at me I tell him to throw it because he'll miss anyways.
