weight loss!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

a challange

have you ever fallen asleep in your clothes, and when you wake up you are in only your underwear? it seems like people who are overweight have a harder time sleeping fully clothed for the simple fact that their WHALE BLUBBER keeps them warm enough at night. today, i had this wake up call. i have lived my life always being overweight but healthy. i can exercise for a long time without feeling like i am dying. I generally choose healthy foods before not so healthy ones. however, i am a product of my parents mistakes, and unfortunately we were raised on 3 cans of pop a day and wendys for dinner. It is unfortunate that i was constructed in that matter, and that i have continued to live my life that way. but it is time to change. I have purchased a pretty hardcore weight loss dvd set and plan to begin that on money. I will return to cutting all meat out of my life, and am in the process of becoming completely animal product free. I need to concentrate my diet in a more healthy direction. no saturated fats, no sugars, no sweets. It is about living a healthy lifestyle. This is going to be very challanging for me, because i have little to no will power. so i need everyones support. seriously. you may not support the lifestyle i am choosing to live, but as a friend and a follower, i ask you to support my quest to a healthier lifestyle. thank you very much for following bloggers, more to come soon....

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