weight loss!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

accepting applications.

I am going to start this blog by reviewing a movie that i recently watched with my mother. this is, at best, a B list movie, with mostly unknown actors who do NOT know how to act. it is a movie about a female author who decides to take a vacation to a cabin somewhere down south. she rents a cabin to herself, brings a bag of weed and a few bottles of wine, and finds inspiration to write her new book. On her way to the cabin, she come into contact with a group of young southern boys who want what she has but what she is not willing to give away. long story short, the movie quickly turns into a disgusting ten minute scene of gang rape. now i know this is not something that most people want to see or hear, but i am just being honest. about half way through this movie i found myself just begging theses men to leave the poor girl alone. but then, the movie turns in the right direction. after the hell that these men put this girl through, about a month later, after they think she is dead, she comes back and shows all of them exactly what she is made of. she continues to torture, and brutally kill ALL of the men who messed with her. now im sure most of you are thinking that this movie is stupid and has nothing to learn... but after thinking more about it, this movie is the definition of strong women. yes, she was weak in a sense of being gang rapped, although i dont think anyone can fight something like that off. however, the fact that she comes back and gets the ultimate revenge on them just shows people how tough women can be. I give this movie an A-


best fortune ever
April, so far, has been absolutely amazing. things at work have really turned around. if i keep going at the rate that i am, i will be bonusing around $6 extra dollars an hour. working full time, that is about an extra $1000 dollars, just for doing my job well. now the month just started so i have got a ways to go, but so far, so good. I was lucky enough to eat some panda express on march 31st, and the fortune i received predicted this month so far to a T. i only hope that things continue to move in the right direction. :)

Yesterday was my older sisters 22nd birthday! She is 25 weeks pregnant and her growing up is starting to make me feel so old. i will be 21 in four months! that is crazy to me. it seems like just yesterday i was getting lost in the halls of the middle school, wondering if i would EVER grow up. i know that i still have a lot of growing and learning to do, but from where i was a year ago to where i am now, i have never been happier with where life has led me. i have so many wonderful things coming up in the near future, i cannot wait!


where i will SOMEDAY reside
I am sad to say that financially, seattle in august is becoming more and more out of reach. although it is something i still want more than almost anything in this world, i am financially not in a place when i can just pick up my life and relocate. my plan is to be there by fall semester of 2012, at the VERY latest. that will give me a year to completely pay off the rest of my debt (which i am nearly done with) AND to save enough money to be up there comfortably and able to live while finding a job and place to live. i still want to go to school up there more than anything. but for now, i am thinking about enrolling in the community college and getting the generals done that i will need for my major. that, financially, is what I can do right now. so no, seattle is not off my mind. i still think about it all the time, i still want to live there for the rest of my life. I am not the type of girl who is looking to settle down and get married. i wont soon start a family and but a house in the country. no, NOT I. my goal is to move to a city when i can express myself artistically and surround myself with people who love the same things that i do. someday soon, i tell ya. someday soon. :)

well bloggers, i once again want to thank you for taking the time to read all my rants and raves. I am no writter, i just love to write......

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