weight loss!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'm a frosted flake

I've been known to make Promises I can't keep. This blog is no exception. I suck, and I am sorry. ;) but I am truly thankful for a few things that deserve to be mentioned. #1. My older sis, Mel. She has been my best friend my entire life. She is one tough cookie and doesn't take shit from anyone, but deep down she has a heart of gold. I love you sister. #2. Mitchell martin. He has been around for over half my life, and is always there to put a smile on my face. He is my main man, and life wouldn't be nearly as fun without him. Thanks for always having my back, and putting me in my place. :) #3. My family. Immediate and extended. We are unconventional, eccentric, ghetto, crazy, and drunk a lot of the time, but man do we have fun. :)

Attached to this blog are just a few photos of people and things that made 2010 great, and that will help 2011 be perfect. :)
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