weight loss!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


This blog thing has already helped me a great deal. So I shall continue!

12: I am greatful for skintimate. Never have my legs felt smoother than when I shaved with skintimate shave gel. Now, being a lady, you'll understand the necessity of smooth to the touch legs. And if your a man, well, imagine shaving your face with a single blade razor and dial bar soap. Doesn't work so well. Ladies need a good shaving cream, too.

13: today, as I woke up, I was truly thankful for my home. Yes, its a disfunctional hot mess 90% of the time, but its home, and I love it. I love knowing the type of food we keep in the house, knowing exactly where I can find an extra blanket, and knowing how to use the backwards faucets in the upstairs bathroom. It may sound silly, but its home. I spent a long time being away from this place, and although I do someday soon want to build a home of my own, for now, this one is perfect.
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