weight loss!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

husband requirements

After the past relationship hell i have been through, i have decided to create a list. this list details all my requirements in a husband. Now, i do not plan to ever be married. However, if any many can fit into ALL these requirements, i will maybe marry him. :)

1. my future husband must have dreadlocks. now i know that some people think this type of hair is extremely disgusting. but i think it is so sexy!! it is low maintenance, easy, quick, and there is a way to have dreadlocks and still keep your hair extremely clean. I want a man who knows how to do that! speaking of clean...that brings me to my next requirement! 

2. my husband is required to stay clean, and to always smell good. i do not care if you are a man, if you work manual labor, or if its 1,000,000,000,000 degrees outside, you are required to smell good. not like ass. no if's, and's, or butt's about it. period, the end. You must maintain yourself. which brings me to point three.....

3. My husband must have a clean, well maintained beard. Again, don't confuse this with the idea of a dirty, disgusting neard that has no shape. I love a rugged, well maintained, sexy man beard.

4. My husband is required, and I repeat, required, to have an accent originating from Australia or New Zeland. I don't even think I need to explain why this is so important. It is sooooo sexy I can't even handle it. Enough said people, enough said. 

#6. My husband cannot be too skinny. I cannot tell you how gross I think skinny men are. Now, lets not leave any gray area here, he does not need to be FAT. But I refuse to date a stick skinny man. it is just gross a creepy. Some meat on his bones is extremely preferred. 

#7. This rule is considered the most important. My husband must be RDJ, or be as close to the real thing as possible. I need not explain more..

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