weight loss!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

at work

I arrived to work over an hour early today because ksl tells me that the storm of the century is right around the corner, and call me crazy but i do not want to drive in that. :) this blog is going to serve mostly as an update on life. i dont have anything to rant or rave about currently. life is just good. :) this past week or so i have been spending a lot of time with my friends and my family. my older sister has some very excited and fun news, but bloggers, i will let her tell you the details. I went and saw harry potter on friday with my family, ericka, and mr. jason russon. I had tons of fun other than jason falling asleep on my arm! but i love the boy so it was okay. ;) work is going awesome. My manager is the coolest guy ever, and he has almost as many tattoos as i do. we share in a lot of laughs and i can tell that we are gonna have a pretty awesome relationship! I have been spending a lot of time with erickas son ty, who has officially stolen my heart. I love that boy so much! christmas is coming and I am 90% done with all my christmas shopping, which is great. i feel like i have been a very productive human today! I donated thousands of clothes for a clothing drive this season, with the help of my awesome friend cassie pursell. that girl really goes all out when she sets her mind to something! thanks so much for all the help cass! as for me, i dont have my mind set on anything right now. I am taking things one day at a time, and having so much fun doing it! I love my job more than words can express, i am still staying strong *for the most part* to my diet and exercise routine. I finally get up and eat a healthy breakfast in the morning, which my personal trainer is very proud of. I am single, and not looking. I have so many awesome guy friends in my life right now, and i think i definitely need to keep it that way for a while. some people think im crazy for not dating, because i will be "alone on the holidays" but that statement is incredibly false. I have some many awesome loved ones that I will be with this holiday season. a wonderful family, amazing friends, and tons and tons of people who i love. i am such a happy girl readers. after living for two years thinking i needed someone to make me happy, i realized that the only person i need is myself. I finally have myself back. the real me. and I couldnt be happier.

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