weight loss!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

the sanctity of marriage...

today i am going to write about a topic that i feel very strongly about. there are a lot of things in life i don't understand or believe in. true and everlasting love happens to be one of them. I personally cannot see myself ever settling down, and being with one person for the rest of my life. I am too much of an handful myself, and i change my hair as often as most people change their socks. I think that there are a lot of people in the world who ruin the idea of a perfect marriage. people who have "open relationships" who find it okay to cheat on their spouses. people who get married and divorced after nine hours, or even after 72 days. the concept of marriage is supposed to be a life long commitment to someone. for better or worse. divorce is messy and mean and neither side wins. I will never understand why people choose to marry someone for money, stability, or a moment of happiness. I can achieve all of those things on my own. It is slack jaws like Kim Kardashian and Brittany Spears who ruin my idea of a beautiful life long commitment to someone.

now let me ask you this....why do we find it alright to love these celebrities, and to give them chance after chance whenever they decide they want to marry someone, but we terrorize and scrutinize people who want to spend their lives together, for better or worse, in the eyes of the law and the lord, just because they have the same genitals?!

I spoke with a customer a few months ago who ran a christian church in southern Texas. He met his soul mate while working on the Reagan campaign in the early 80's. They were separated for 20 years before finally meeting again, this time while both working on the Obama campaign. They knew, after all this time, that there was no one else in the world for them. Neither of them had a single partner or relationship for 20 years, because they knew they found true love. Now, these two MEN are happily committed to each other, and running an open minded christian church. THIS, is what I call true love.

I read a story online about two weeks ago, and the story was about two men who have been in love for 40 years, married in the eyes of themselves and their families. Never cheated on one another, because they know they have found their eternal partner, in life and death. They have subjected themselves to hate and ridicule for  their entire lives, all for love. now, who wants to sit here and tell me that people choose to put themselves through that hell? you can shut the hell up if you think that.

I am a straight female, and will never understand the idea of true love. But these men and women do. so leave them the hell alone, and learn something from them. true love has no boundaries. black, white, male, female, whatever! These people know love, and all the hate you feel in your heart for them, makes me realize that you haters will NEVER understand the idea of true love.

Monday, November 28, 2011

tis the season

The holidays can be the best or worst time of year. it all comes down to perception. For some people, the holiday season is the time of year where you have a valid excuse to display ridiculous amounts of depression and anger. people realize this time of year how alone and sad they truly are. If you asked me a year ago, I was one of those people. I had recently split from the man i thought i would spend my life with. I moved back into my parents house where things were anything but stable. i was down on my luck with no happiness in sight. but then, i woke up christmas morning, and realized just how blessed i really was. My family gave me so many wonderful blessings. I am not speaking of only the gifts that I received. There was so much love and joy on christmas morning. The joy I felt cannot be explained in words.

This year has been even better, and the holiday season has just started. I celebrated a wonderful thanksgiving with the greatest family in the world. lots of awesome cooking, eating, playing games, and rooms full of laughter. It was also the first thanksgiving of my beautiful niece Olivia. She is now 4 months old and getting so big and strong. I love her so much and i cannot even stand how wonderful she is!

Last night, I had the funnest sleepover of my life, and I felt like a little kid again. I took my adorable cousins Kylee and Ethan to the mall to meet santa and tell him what they want for Christmas. After that, we got ice cream, and came back to the house to play twister and barbies with my oldest friend Amelia. I woke up the next morning and made the kids pancakes and then the playing started all over. they really wore me out, but I had so much fun with them!

Life is good, bloggers. I have no complaints. I have a wonderful job, a wonderful family, wonderful friends, and a beautiful life. Every day, i finally wake up and feel like i am complete. I have not felt so complete in a long time. I am happy with where im at. I am single and healthy and life is good. Smile on bloggers, it'll be a great end to a beautiful year!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

husband requirements

After the past relationship hell i have been through, i have decided to create a list. this list details all my requirements in a husband. Now, i do not plan to ever be married. However, if any many can fit into ALL these requirements, i will maybe marry him. :)

1. my future husband must have dreadlocks. now i know that some people think this type of hair is extremely disgusting. but i think it is so sexy!! it is low maintenance, easy, quick, and there is a way to have dreadlocks and still keep your hair extremely clean. I want a man who knows how to do that! speaking of clean...that brings me to my next requirement! 

2. my husband is required to stay clean, and to always smell good. i do not care if you are a man, if you work manual labor, or if its 1,000,000,000,000 degrees outside, you are required to smell good. not like ass. no if's, and's, or butt's about it. period, the end. You must maintain yourself. which brings me to point three.....

3. My husband must have a clean, well maintained beard. Again, don't confuse this with the idea of a dirty, disgusting neard that has no shape. I love a rugged, well maintained, sexy man beard.

4. My husband is required, and I repeat, required, to have an accent originating from Australia or New Zeland. I don't even think I need to explain why this is so important. It is sooooo sexy I can't even handle it. Enough said people, enough said. 

#6. My husband cannot be too skinny. I cannot tell you how gross I think skinny men are. Now, lets not leave any gray area here, he does not need to be FAT. But I refuse to date a stick skinny man. it is just gross a creepy. Some meat on his bones is extremely preferred. 

#7. This rule is considered the most important. My husband must be RDJ, or be as close to the real thing as possible. I need not explain more..