weight loss!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

time for some ketchup

I have become a bad blogger and for that i will apologize. its funny, i feel like i apologize at the beginning of almost all my blogs. i need to break that habit. :)

In the past month, some very beautiful and very interesting things have happened. I will do my best to fill you in on all the most important things.

I had a very lovely 4th of july with my family. we watched the parade in the morning with the cousins, and then that night i was able to watch fireworks with my sis, brother in law and father. it was a lot of fun, and i even bought glow sticks like a little kid. :)

the rest of july pretty much played out as usual. nothing too exciting happened through the middle of the month. i worked a lot and played a lot. my bestie Aimee Green is back into town so i am having a good time laughing and going on adventures with her.

 Then, july 21st came around, which was the due date of my older sisters very first daughter, Olivia. now, keep in mind, only 13% of women go into labor on their due date. well, melissa likes to break the standard, that is what i love about her. so of course, at 6 am, she checked into the hospital, in labor. after a looooong day, at 2:30 am on July 22nd, 2011 Olivia Irene Kemp was born, weighing exactly 7lbs and measuring exactly 20 inches. she is a bundle of pure perfection and I have never felt so much love for someone i have barely known. she is such a blessing. she is beautiful. :) here are a few pics.

isnt she a doll!? god i love her. :)

July ended with the celebration of Aimee's 23rd birthday, where we went to the lake, went cliff diving, swam, camped, drank, and i beat up a man. :) thats all folks. bye for now. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

a little vent time

i am not the type to normally complain about all my problems. i usually keep a smile on my face whenever possible. but I have had a very rough month. first, i had a problem with the screen going out on my phone. now in the past, any time i call t mobile i have to wait on hold for over an hour before getting through to them. and i was not ready to do that when i had a broken phone. so i went to the store and had the man there troubleshoot it. after about 35 seconds he agreed that i needed a new phone. my phone was under warranty so i did not have to pay anything for the new phone. he told he they would overnight it to me for free, but because this happened on a friday afternoon, it would not be there until monday or tuesday. so monday comes...and goes.....and tuesday comes....and goes......and then i watch the rest of the week pass by, and still no phone. then saturday evening, i receive a package. and guess what is inside?! NOT MY PHONE! all they sent me was a PHONE BATTERY! NEWS FLASH! MY BATTERY WORKS FINE!

then, fathers day rolls around, and i am sure we have already heard about all the drama that happened there with my car dying, bumper getting ripped off, me crying on the phone to a customer, etc..

now, my mother is having a very hard time lately with controlling her emotions. and one night she really had a freak out on me, not for any reason in particular.

then, my work tried to tell me that i was not going to get my bonus check for the month, which i rightfully earned.

then, my paypal account got hacked and all my money was stolen out of my bank account. after i called paypal and blocked my account, they were able to somehow allow to crook to still place two more orders, totaling hundreds of dollars. i then had to cancel my wells fargo account, open a new one, reset my direct deposit, call all my bills and debt collectors and reset my arrangements with them. it was a whole days process. drama, drama, drama.

then, dont worry, my car died again. wtf!!

ugggh. so glad today is the last day of the month, and a new moon. i am ready for a fresh start!