weight loss!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

a million years later...

What the hell have I been doing for seven months?! NOT BLOGGING! which is a total bummer because I love to blog. Well, here I am, trying to play catch up with the blogging world. My last post was in regards to my major and scary kidney surgery that happened in February. Since then, here is how my spring/summer played out.

Cinco De Mayo Party: Had a group of awesome friends over for some delicious food and margaritas, followed by beer pong and a camp fire. This party was a total blast, and everyone loved it.

Next, Country Jam!: Me and my best friend Mitch Martin took a little trip to Grand Junction, CO where we got to spend the weekend with his sister, and got to see the amazing country jam shows! 

After returning from Colorado, I was rushed back into the emergency room for another kidney surgery. This one was outpatient, and I was able to go home the same day. Still hurt like a bitch though! 

Next, My beautiful niece Olivia turned 1!!: We have a delightful cupcake party in my parents backyard, and liv had a total blast! 

I still cannot believe she is so old and big already! She is talking and walking and says my name which i absolutely love. 

Throughout the summer, I went camping, to Lava Hot Springs with Mitch, the state fair with the family, had tons of car trouble, drank too much, played on a softball league, and went to tons of outdoor concerts with friends. Summer was wayyyy too much fun. 

August is next, which was my birthday, and my best friend cassie's birthday. Her, I, and a couple other friends took a trip to wendover for her big 21st. we had such a blast, and I cannot wait to go again! 
For my birthday, we went to Joes Crab Shack for dinner, and then went out to my favorite little dive bar and drank all our problems away! Even my older sister melissa came, which made me so very happy! She never comes out! 

my birthday at joes

fun bus to wendover

on our way to the bus!

October was Halloween, my brother in law's birthday, and a ton of fun! I went to the pumpkin patch with my sister and niece, trick or treated as a "tree" on Halloween, and attended a party as a cave woman with my best friend Mitch. All in all, Halloween was a total blast. 

As of current, I am still employed full time at 1-800 Contacts, and have been there for over two years now. I am also a server now at the all mighty joes crab shack, and I nanny a sweet little girl named kylie every day after school. life is extremely busy, and i hardly have time for fun anymore. However, the little fun that I do have, is the best. I have some of the most amazing friends and greatest family of all time, and I am seriously so blessed. 

Thanks for catching up on my life. Thats all for now. I will try to update more often, if I find the time! 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Kidney Surgery

Since I was 13, I have suffered with kidney problems. whether it be stones, infections, random pains, there is always something going on with my kidney. In 2009, I had a lithotripsy procedure done at Mckay Dee Hospital in Ogden, Utah. There used ultrasonic waves to break up a 12 MM stone. For those of you who are not good at converting numbers, that is about half of an inch. The procedure was done on my left kidney, and I was able to go home the same day. I did not have insurance so the surgery was paid for out of pocket.

Two years later, in January of 2012, i was rushed into the emergency room with extreme kidney pain, and was asked to follow up with Dr. Putman, a urologist at IMC in Murray. My creatinine was high, and my kidney function was low. At my follow up, they told me I had a stone, the size of a large grape (2-3 inches) that had attached itself to the lining of my kidney. they told me it has been there since 2007, and no one has told me about it before this date. Now, I have insurance, and suddenly they think they should take it out. Because they let it grow for five years, it is too large to perform the same lithotripsy procedure, and they must do a nephrolithotomy. this is a procedure where they make an incision through your back, generally below your lowest rib, and remove the stone. The kidney is filled with fluid and then drained through a nephrostomy tube, which is left in your back for a few days after the surgery. This tube is also used to drain any additional stones or fragments that are left over. When the tube is removed, the skin will heal itself naturally, usually within 1-2 weeks.

With my surgery, almost all of this was normal, and there were no real problems. However, when Dr. Putman entered my kidney, he did not realize how much the stone had grown into the tissue of my kidney. When the kidney was filled with fluid, which they also did to try and break the stone free from the kidney, there was hardly any kidney tissue left, and my kidney ruptured. This sounds more frightening than it is, but it made me, my family, and especially dr. putman nervous for a moment. He was able to drain all the extra fluid, and remove the entire stone. A CT scan will later show that there was not a single fragment left behind. The ruptured kidney will heal itself and no additional stitches are necessary. It did however making the healing process feel extremely slow and painful. I had a two night, three day stay in the hospital, and was able to come home with no nephrostomy tube.

Since then, my incision is completely healed, other than a little scar tissue. I had a bad reaction to the medical tape that was used to dress my incision, so the surrounding skin on my back was raw for about a week, and that is still healing. Other than a few minor back spasms due to healing back muscles, i feel completely like myself again. before the surgery, i could not even have a beer watching football without feeling pain for the rest of the day. Last night, for the first time since I turned 21, i was able to have drinks with friends, feel no pain that night, and woke up today feeling great as well! I am so excited to move forward with a more healthy lifestyle and to feel great from here on out. They doctor was able to analyze the acid based stone, and prescribed a medication that will prevent and dissolve them in the future. :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

just thought id share

I took this survey for my sisters family relationships class, and I found my answers quite interested when i finally let go and was completely honest. Figured i'd share.

Q: What is the best thing about being single?
A: As you know, I am an advocate of living the single life, after being in a dysfunctional relationship for 2+ years. The reason I enjoy it so much is because I have the freedom to always make decisions on my own, and base my life choices on what is best for me, and me alone. I am strong and independent and I enjoy being able to take care of myself without depending on another to do so for me, or for me to take care of them.

Q: What is the worst thing about being single?
A: The inability to have sex whenever I want.(because im not a hoe)  HAHA. I’m serious.

Q: What are some of your expectations of marriage and how it will be?
A: At this point in my life, I see marriage as a legal way for men to force women into doing their dirty work. I am anti marriage, because I am too selfish to care for anyone other than myself. Though my thoughts may change, this is the honest truth at this point in my life. I think marriage is constricting, degrading, and old fashioned.

Q: What does it mean to you to be emotionally healthy?
A: I think that emotionally healthy people are the type of people who are self sufficient, and who have genuine love for themselves. Everyone is crazy and emotional at times. It is not just girls, and not just at a certain time each month. There will always be situations in life where people will seem to act a bit “unstable” with their emotions. However, to have a rounded perspective on yourself and life, and to be able to analyze and solve standard life situations without the constant breakdown, is my definitely of emotional stability.

Q: Why do you think some marriages don’t work?
A: I think the main reason that marriages do not work is because of the constricting forcefulness of the situation as a whole. Marriage, in my eyes, in agreed upon in one of two ways. Example 1, a man and a woman have been dating for __ amount of time, and girl (who may or may not be insane) decides she simply cannot continue to be with this man without a “commitment” so she offers an ultimatum, or in not so many words, tricks and or forces the man into marrying her. Example Two: Man and woman have been dating for __ amount of time, and man has become annoyed at the fact that after said amount of time, woman does not fulfill every need his lazy self may have. So, man asks woman to marry him, in hopes that she will not only contribute to the bills, but cook, clean, push 8 pound creatures out of her body, and rub his feet at the end of the day. Women, being hopeless romantics, generally accept the request, because of example 1, the desire for a real commitment.

Q: Why do you think some marriages succeeded?
A: In some magical world where 50% percent of first marriages, 67% of second and 74% of third marriages DON’T end in divorce, marriage works because of lies. It is not human nature to be in love with one person, or attracted to one person, for the rest of their lives. As in the movie “Valentine’s Day” where the old couple has been together for 50+ years, and seem so ridiculously happy, only to find out that infidelity buried itself in their relationship for many many years. True love is a lie.

Q: What is the definition of a healthy relationship?
A: Freedom
Q: What do you find most attractive in a partner?
A: Other than the obvious beards, dreadlocks, and Australian accents. I am attracted to trust. Trust for me to be free, independent, etc .

Q: Can you tell me about your last break up? How did it happen? Who initiated it? Why did you break up?
A: I was in a relationship for over two years, and we both tried to end it multiple times. I was addicted to the idea of being in a relationship, and he was addicted to me taking care of him, and to drugs. We fought every day, and were extremely miserable. I tried many times to end it, but was guilt tripped into staying with him for a long time. Eventually, we were both sick of it. Technically, he ended it. I left, drove 200 miles from our home in Idaho to my parent’s home in West Jordan. He called me three days later and tried to get back with me. I decided against it because I was finally far enough away to be able to break my addiction to him, for good. I thank god every day that he set me free.