weight loss!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

this could be the start.

well folks. thank you for patiently waiting while i neglect to update my blog. i know i am not the best at maintaining this. but i am doing my best to keep it up to date. this last week has been great. I started a pretty serious diet and although it was a big change in lifestyle and a little bit hard at first, i think that so far i am doing a great job. in one week i lost about 6 lbs. this is just the start. my goal, as crazy as it sounds, is to lose 70 lbs within the next few months (before christmas) and i think with the progress i have made so far i will be able to accomplish it! all of your words of encouragement would be much appreciated!

on saturday i had the honor of taking my baby sister's senior pictures. she graduates this june, and i am so excited to see where she takes her next step. here are a few of my personal favorites.

this was the second time i was given the opportunity to take some photos for someone. and again, i loved it. i cannot wait to get myself a nice camera and some editing software and really get the ball rolling on this. i am going to take some classes this fall i think and see if i cant have a little more fun with this new hobby of mine. :) 

thats all for now bloggers. feel free to check out my facebook for the full album of these photos! www.facebook.com/jessicaleighwil

Saturday, May 7, 2011

a little mustard.

i am so sorry that it has been a while since i have posted. I have been so busy and grumpy lately, and no one wants to hear what i have to say when i am in a bad mood, trust me! anyways. this is what has been happening lately...

my beautiful older sister is now seven months pregnant with what will soon be a beautiful baby girl. she is starting to get an adorable baby belly, and I had the honor of taking her maternity pictures this week. here are a few of her favorites.

didnt she look so beautiful! i am so very excited to become and aunt for the first time. I love babies (although i will never have any) so i will be living through here in that aspect, and cannot wait to see the gorgeous face on beautiful little olivia. 

while taking these pictures i discovered how much i truly love taking pictures! i think this will be my new hobby! i obviously have no real experience in the matter and it will take a lot of training, however, i think that i am going to have a really good time playing around with this new hobby! i will hopefully be getting a new camera for my birthday, and then i will take it to vegas and take some (hopefully) awesome photos!

may 7th, 2011 was the annual salt lake city susan g komen race for the cure. it is a 5k (3.1 miles) and was so much fun! I did the best that i could and am proud that i completed it as quickly as i did! my legs are sore but it was so much fun! i had the opportunity to di the race with some of the awesome girls from my work! by the end, we looked a little tired, but we had so much fun! from the left is me, britt, emily, jess, and stephanie. all of these girls are awesome and were really a blast to run with! love ya, ladies! i plan to do this race for years to come, and i think i am taking my puppies next year. so many people had cute little dogs walking and i want my dogs to join in next year too! 

later in the day i also had the opportunity to see my amazing friend amelia and go to the live green festival in 
salt lake city. this is a festival revolving around living a more green, clean lifestyle. there were tons of awesome booths and some really yummy vegan food! it was so nice to see my friend amelia and to catch up with her about life. 

speaking of life. i have really been in a rut lately. i do not know what my problem is, but i am feeling extremely unhappy with where i am in life. i know some of it is the fact that i am now single and living at home with my 
parents. now dont get my wrong, i absolutely love my family and am so happy that i get to see them whenever i want. this is a big change from when i was living in idaho and never saw them.and also, i cannot complain about being single, because it does give me a lot of time to focus on me, which is the most important thing. however, it is a big change that has taken a lot of adjusting. and i think now that it has been about nine months since i have been back, it is time for me to move on to something else. i am still considering whether or not i will be leaving to seattle this fall, or if i will be getting a home in salt lake. either way, it is time for me to make a change towards something new. what change i make is still undecided. as for other reasons why i am feeling down, those i am not sure of. i just know that i am feeling stuck in my current situation and i am ready for something new to come up. i know that i do not take enough time to be social. i never go out and spend time with my friends. i spend my weekends working or at home. that i do need to change. who knows, maybe i am just being a baby. 

thats all for now bloggers. keep reading.