weight loss!

Monday, July 7, 2014

I used to be a blogger

Isn't it funny how time slips away from you? Here it is, July of 2014, and I haven't blogged in nearly two years. It feels like just yesterday I was telling you all about all the silly things I was doing or wanting to do. My life, apparently, lost direction for a bit, because I love to write and I haven't done so in what feels like forever.

Since my last post, there are hundreds of adventures and events that I could tell you about, but then we would be here for another 18 months. haha! So, let me give you a break down of the basics.

I've been spending the past few years (2010-current) with my best friend Mitch. He is the greatest friend i've ever known, and though I met him when I was 8, I don't know how I went this long without being so close to him. He is seriously my other half. He has a beautiful girlfriend who I love to the moon and back, and I am so happy that they are happy together!

Next, my amazingly beautiful family. My momma and daddy are doing wonderful. I moved out of their basement (finally) about a year ago, which gave dad the option to finally make his basement the pool hall/game room he wanted! Nikki is blossoming into the 21 year old party girl I always knew she would be, but she still maintains her moral ground and works hard for her money. Melissa and Matt and beautiful baby Olivia are amazing. Olivia is not such a baby anymore! We are just 20 days away from her 3rd birthday! She is so full of kindness and personality and I am so proud of how well Melissa and Matt are raising her.

Now that I am living on my own, a lot has changed for me! I am living downtown with my amazing roommate Nathan, who grew up in my parent's neighborhood with me. He is the greatest roommate I have ever lived with, and I could not be any happier. I have adopted a beautiful little dog, Marley, and she is the love of my life. She is a 5 year old chihuahua and the sweetest little thing in the world. The bond that her and I have developed is the most amazing and unexplainable thing in the world. She is my soulmate.

In more recent news, after four years of working hard for a company who didn't appreciate me, I finally made the decision to find a job that better appreciates my goals in life, and my hard work. I started a new career with a company called CSS. I am on day two, and already I can really really see the growth potential for me here. My hard work and knowledge will be appreciated very much, and the room for growth is huge.

All in all, I can say I am happy with my life. So many things are changing every day and sometimes I have a hard time keeping up, but the rush of living is amazing. I am alone on this journey, for now, but I know I won't be forever. Life throws your curve balls when you lease expect it, and its your job to always have your bat ready to knock em out of the park. Do your best, fight like hell, live wild and free, and know that in the end, the only person you need to impress is yourself.

Signing off for now, but i'll be back soon..
