weight loss!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

baskets and buckets and bowls of it.

I am at a time in my life where I think it is time for me to make a bucket list. To those who don't know, a bucket list is a compiled list of things that you want to do before you die. They can be reasonable, or totally out there. It is hard me to compile a list like this, for a rather simple reason. I order lunch and don't want it by the time lunch rolls around. I dye my hair a certain color, only while I try decide what other color to dye it. I same money to spend money. Long story short, I change my mind too much, and I am all over the place these days. I can't decide whether or not it is a good or bad thing at this point. On one side, I feel good knowing that I don't take life too seriously, because I am so young. But on the other end, I see the people around me, and wonder if I am falling behind the pack. Granted, I have done my fair share of learning, mistake making, changing, changing back, regret, happiness, sadness, so on, and so forth. I've lived a life beyond my years in a lot of ways, and I have made a lot of changes. But in some ways, I have a hard time seeing whether I have made a step forward or a step back from where I was this time two years ago. Granted, I was 19 this time two years ago. I was in a relationship with a man who I thought I would spend my life with, I was trying to have kids, and I was down the road to nowhere fast. We lived a life of losers, and put fake smiles on our faces everyday to hide our hate for each other. We were unemployed, uninteresting, unmotivated, uneducated, and unpredictable. That last one was the most fun though. We didn't take anyone's shit, and we did what we wanted. Granted, we couldn't pay our rent, and we sold kittens online to support our habits. I cannot say I miss that part. I look back on that, and compare to where I am now. Been at a job for 14+ months, making a steady income every two weeks, digging myself slowing but surely out of the hole of debt that Reagan and I dug ourselves into. I guess he had a ladder, because he got out just fine, and i'm stuck building stairs out of fallen leaves. it will take me years to establish myself again, and to become a profitable member of society, but I'm doing it, and i'm doing it on my own. Now, all these things sound great, but life isn't all roses and butterflies. I live at home, in the basement of my parents house (barf) and I hate admitting that. I moved out a month after I graduated to live with my boyfriend. Since then, I've moved 10 times. West Jordan to parents to Rose Park #1 to Rose Park #2, back to the parents, then to Lehi, Ogden, Washington Terrace, Idaho, and once again, back to my parents house. I've been here for 16 months, which makes me happy and sad. On one end, I am the glue that holds this house together a lot of the time. I keep things moving smoothly over all the potholes of the Wilson family life. Also, living in this house has given me a wonderful opportunity to pay off my debt. The leaves fall faster and build stairs better when you don't spend them on rent. But living at home makes me feel like such a child. "Come on over, Friends! Yep, same house we came to after Homecoming Sophomore year." REALLY?! Not cool. I'm 21 years old, dammit! Out of all my friends, I am the only one who is single. 100% freaking single. I don't want to complain, because I am happy. I love answering to no one but myself. I hate dating, I hate commitment, and the last relationship I had was two years of hell, so why have a desire to be with someone? Simple answer. I don't. But I don't like being the friend who isn't invited to certain events simply because I will be the only one without a +1. ANNOYING! I am a 3 time college drop out. I have friends that are damn close to graduation! COLLEGE GRADUATION! I feel like I just graduated high school. Don't worry, it was almost 4 years ago! GOD I'M OLD! Anyways, this has turned into quite the rant, haha. Long story short, I have done a lot of growing, and still have so much growing to do. This is the reason for my Bucket List. There are so many things I want to do before I die, and now that I have taken up recreational smoking, i've lost about 5 years of bucket list fun, so I better get started. I'm 21, that's half way to 42, which is half way to 84. Meaning my life is 1/4th over. I am not okay with that. Time to get a move on! So here it is...my Bucket List.

  • Spend at least a week on every continent. 
  • Marry an Australian
  • Go streaking
  • Kiss Robert Downy Jr
  • Beat up a grown man 
  • Successfully fulfill a genius scam
  • Pay cash for a brand new car
  • Own a loft apartment above a coffee shop
  • Hug Jerry Seinfeld
  • Visit the "Seinfeld" Coffee Shop
  • Live in Seattle
  • Wrestle a Croc
  • Play guitar with the Zac Brown Band
  • Buy one of everything at Forever 21
  • Build a VW Bug with my father
  • Own and ride a motorcycle
  • Grow a beard (Im serious!)
  • Be honestly and truly known by my neighbors as the "Crazy Cat Lady"
  • Publish a book
  • Fit in a size 3 jean
  • Take a cruise
  • Spend a year with the Peace Corp.
  • Shave my head
  • Swim with the sharks
  • Buy Olivia her first car <3
  • Obtain a Masters in PR
  • Work in New York for Balenciaga
  • Design a clothing line
  • Invent a TV that has a button to page your remote, similar to paging a cordless phone (genius, I know)
  • Be 100% out of debt
  • Dig up real Stego bones
  • Skydiving
  • Parasailing near the Jurasic Park Island
  • Buy a star, and name it Olivia
  • Be a successful stand up comic
  • Hike Mt. Everest
  • Find a man who can put up with me
  • Adopt a child
  • Own a successful PR Firm
  • Write a beautiful One Hit Wonder type of song
  • Delete my Facebook
  • Go on a Safari
  • Jump off a waterfall
  • Ride in the top of a double decker bus
  • Drive the Autobahn
  • Live with no regrets
  • Forgive myself for my mistakes
  • Meet one of the remaining Beatles.
  • Buy Mel and Matt a house
  • Start a Beach Boys cover band
  • Be homeless in Venice
  • Sleep on the beach
  • Buy my parents a home
  • Sex on the beach
  • Steal a statue
  • Have a night in Vegas that should stay there. ;)

I will be adding to this list as more things come to mind. As you can see, some are rather achievable, and some are ridiculous. But I want to do them all, and hope that I will. :) 

This blog may have been the rant of the year. Good thing I saved it for December. This year has been nuts, and I cannot believe it's almost over. If I don't see you until then, Marry Christmas bloggers. I love you all <3